
I have a want for more purpose in my life as I’ve been “broken” since 2015 when I finally spoke up to obtain disability support for my PTSD symptoms. I am a disabled veteran and those 5 words carry weight. There are ‘opinions’ about government assistance being an easy out. There are social stigmatism’s that saying you’re struggling is a sign of weakness. I believe it’s a monumental sign of strength.

Because of my disability benefits I have had the financial support to work through a literal lifetime of trauma (beginning age 6) in addition to combat service trauma. Are there folks who ‘abuse the system’ and solely take with no efforts to self improvement, possibly even a generally bad attitude of entitlement because they “get that check” every month. Of course, we’re human and flawed. The only person who knows any experience is the person who lived it and who shares the story. No one is perfect and judgment is rarely helpful.

I will say that obtaining disability is no easy feat. Literal months talking about experiences I wish I could forget and opening those wounds to be scrutinized by physicians and judges. It’s very invasive and uncomfortable when your struggle is psychological. I cannot show an X-ray of what’s broken, I had to expose my internal suffering we’re all told to hide away. I’m grateful to the support of lawyers and even my partner at the time for getting me through it.

Since 2020 I began exploring all my creativities and gaining a greater appreciation of the arts as a source of therapy. I enjoy painting, photography, knit, crochet and of course, writing. I’ve written in one form or another since my teen years. I’ve always had diaries or journals too, though they’re often partially filled and forgotten. My love for literature has always been prevalent.

This idea of blogging daily came about because I’ve wanted to be published since I was a teen. Every year I say I want to get something published and I haven’t followed through. Now I’m publishing -something- every day here. Some posts will be better than others, I know. This is my way of developing a discipline to write in the hopes I will follow through on publication soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read, like and subscribe to my posts. I appreciate your supportive actions. I’m not certain what I’m doing and I’m doing something. Feeling a sense of community and support is lovely and I’m grateful to be endorsed. My hope is that every soul finds healing.

Be well, sweet souls. 💛

If you identify with the neurodivergent community, would appreciate an adult space with a focus on support and betterment, I’d like to invite you to check out my discord server! Where shame, blame and devaluation are discouraged while compassion and personal growth are encouraged. The server is designated mature (18+) and minors are promptly removed. Multiple categories allow Members to decide what sort of content they’d like to see from the server using selections in the #about-you channel after joining. You’re invited!

Published by Ms Salley


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