Salley Who?

Psychologically Disabled Veteran, Discovering Artisan
(Invisible) Disability & Mental Health Advocate
Disability Deserves Support Not Shame
Mental Health Matters

“It’s not the miles you remember, it’s the experiences you never forget.” -Salley

Thank You For Your Support

This website is a catch-all for my presence online and if you are reading this, thank you for visiting! If you enjoy my content, my story or simply popped by here to be supportive; please share this site with others! Exposure helps me get my messages to more sweet souls in this world who want better for humanity.

Xe and Me

Who am I?

I am an Afghanistan war veteran (OEF’06) who on impulse will take an adventure to beautiful and interesting places with my service dog (Xena), although primarily I enjoy socializing online and sharing my creative expressions through art and play over the web world wide from the comfort of home.

Amidst the chaotic times of the 2020 pandemic I discovered my painting abilities and began embracing more of my creative skillsets, moving from one medium to the next. As of 2021 my creatives include photography, writing, yarn magic (fiber arts), digital design and acrylic painting.

I have been diagnosed with an alphabet soup of mental illnesses and it’s a topic I tend to migrate toward in my written words. If you’d like to discuss anything, ask me in the comments or email forms found on this site or any social media platforms that allow commentary.

As content creation online goes: Like, Share, Subscribe. 💛

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Afghanistan 2006, wing of AH64D Apache Helicopter

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