Speak Gently and Be Brave

To embark on a healing journey is no minor undertaking. Many are so preoccupied with the day to day hustle of life that healing is the farthest from their mind. Unfortunately with trauma and internal—psyche, spirit—wounds, running away (avoiding) does not make the memories or their impact go away. One of the biggest practices IContinueContinue reading “Speak Gently and Be Brave”

Anxious Eating : Restaurant Reviewing

Mister and I went out for lunch and I had a thought for posting reviews. I grew up in Acadiana area of Louisiana and through my military enlistment, I traveled the world. I lived in S. Korea, Germany and traveled Spain, France, the Caribbean’s and more. It’s my most broad creative portfolio: travel and scenicContinueContinue reading “Anxious Eating : Restaurant Reviewing”

Our Lives Are Not Universal

Humanity has held on to this concept of “common sense” to inject shame into socializing. When someone doesn’t know what you know, it can be a teachable moment. An introspect: Believing that others are stupid because they do not know what you know is a show of your impatience, not their intelligence. You do notContinueContinue reading “Our Lives Are Not Universal”

Being diagnosed as “different”

In truth, I suspect that every human being (should they visit a psych professional) could be diagnosed with something. When you’re sad, it’s depression. When you’re on edge, it’s anxiety. We all go through an array of emotions as part of the human experience. My first diagnosis was depression in 2006 during military service. IContinueContinue reading “Being diagnosed as “different””

Adventure Log 03.20.2022

I am filled with gratitude for the time and ability to see my friend over the past week. Being able to reconnect with her and meet her family is invaluable to me. Friday night I watched her kiddos so she could enjoy a date night. For me, this is how I like to vacation whenContinueContinue reading “Adventure Log 03.20.2022”