Generational Trauma

Some of our traits are more obviously inherited from the previous generations: skin, hair and eye colors for example. We can pretty clearly see similarities and note where they’re sourced from by comparison. Research is revealing today that trauma — unhealed — can be passed down in both nature and nurture from one generation toContinueContinue reading “Generational Trauma”

It’s ok to be ok

We all know the popular song “it’s ok not to be okay” and that is also truth. We all struggle sometimes and it’s ok to speak up about it. Being in pursuit of healing since 2006 when I saw my first therapist, I have experienced literal decades of my life feeling broken and believing IContinueContinue reading “It’s ok to be ok”

Adventure Log 03.20.2022

I am filled with gratitude for the time and ability to see my friend over the past week. Being able to reconnect with her and meet her family is invaluable to me. Friday night I watched her kiddos so she could enjoy a date night. For me, this is how I like to vacation whenContinueContinue reading “Adventure Log 03.20.2022”

Adventure Log 03.16.2022

Most of the 15th was spent on the road. I traveled through Louisiana, across Mississippi into Tennessee. There was a band of rain during my trip so the snap shot I got from the Tennessee line isn’t great. I’ll try to get a still from my dash cam when I get around to downloading itContinueContinue reading “Adventure Log 03.16.2022”

Adventure Log 03.14.2022

I am out on another adventure! This trip I’ll be going up to visit a dear friend in Tennessee. She and I have not been face-to-face in over a decade. I’m going to meet her kiddos, significant other and get me a real big hug from a soul I love in this world. Kicking offContinueContinue reading “Adventure Log 03.14.2022”